Monday, September 23, 2013

More Info About the Class

The class will last approximately 6 weeks.

There will be 12 lessons and I will be posting 2 a week.
One on Tuesday and one on Friday.

There is a Facebook page to interact with people if you would like
This is optional - no need to join if you don't want.

All lessons and images will be given on this blog not on the Facebook page

It's a go at your own pace.

Feel free to ask me questions

Basic supplies are simple:
black permanent pen
watercolor set
watercolor brush or two (I'm using a water brush a lot of the time)
watercolor paper

I will be using other supplies...they are optional and will be listed on the lesson(s) pages

All videos are password protected.  Please don't share your password with's good karma to keep it to yourself.

Thanks for joining - I hope you enjoy the class!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!! I just found your watercolor class!! Looks just great, how much is the class? Can't find the info about that. Thanks, Stephanie
