Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lesson 10 - Butterfly Bliss

Hello Doodlers!
Lesson #10

This week we're creating a butterfly painting but I also wanted to share a couple of things with you.
I am posting this small video of one of my journals while I flip through the pages.  I try to journal a
little bit daily and this is one where I doodled a little everyday.  I hope you will enjoy the flip through.

I also wanted to share a little painting I did that started with just a doodle
in one of my journals.  I am not including a large image on it as I promised the
person who purchased the painting that I would not sell prints or allow usage
of the painting.  But here is a small version for you to see how a doodle
can be made into a painting.

Here is the actual painting Lesson for you:

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Here is a quick little video on what I store my doodling pens in.

WOW one of our wonderful Doodlers found
this bag online & it looks like the travel size bag.  
So if you were interested in getting one ~

More images for you to 
download and watercolor doodle on.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

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