Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lesson #3 The Name Game - Watercolor Doodles Class

Well this week's class name has been changed.... it's now called

The Name Game

It's not just for names you can use this lesson for any word you would like
but it's fun especially fun when it's a doodled name of someone you love.

For Lesson 3 Video 1 - Click HERE!

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

I wanted to write a little about what I was thinking when I doodled this image:
First of all I knew I wanted stars around her name but I wanted them to
be moving...because little miss Star is always moving so I put tails behind them
like a comet would have.  To me this meant movement.  When I draw names
or words I first draw the lettering.  Then decide what kind of image I want
to go with the lettering I created.  I chose to have an upper and lower
comet star to balance out the image.  Originally I was going to have just
seven little stars and when I was done drawing there was a white gap between
the t in her name and the comet tail so I added an extra star.  I then outlined
around the elements and decided to go with three lines because I wanted
to have a blue background then pop of color and a cool outline.  I was thinking
about color choice as I drew the image out. 

For Lesson 3 Video 2 - Click HERE!

Green Gold Demo

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Image of Green Gold watercolor (it's magical)
 A close up look at what green gold can do when dropped into
a dark color background.  I get my green gold from Daniel Smith.

Extra images for you to practice watercoloring below....

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.
This is a fun doodle.  I started with a hap-hazard word and just
continued the fun with bold swirls.  I really just created a frame
around a word but it makes a really eye catching little doodle.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.
In this doodle I drew the letters and then outlined them.  I
wanted kind of a fun swirly doodle.  I really how the line
and plane work together here.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.
 I can imagine so many ways to paint this
doodle.  I can't wait to see what you come up with!


  1. I am having trouble with lesson 3 video 3..... I will not give me a place to put in the password.(therefore it will not play) Anyone else having a problem? Please help with a suggestion!

  2. Hi Karen, sorry about that. I had forgot to add the password. It is fixed now. Thank you for letting me know!

  3. BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO!!! I LOVED everything about this lesson!!! I love hearing you think outloud, and hearing you change your mind and knowing why you did! THANK YOU!!! By far, the best lesson of ANY I have taken online from ANYBODY!

  4. Really enjoying the class !!!!!
