Monday, October 28, 2013

Lesson #11 - Putting it all together

Hello Doodlers!

Lesson #11 - Putting it all together

I think you are all ready to doodle on your own now.... Here I've just
shown the watercolor demo and given you the image to download if you wish.

Basically this week is all about leaving the black and white doodling (and then
watercoloring on top of that).....Now you will be opening yourself up to doodling
in color - I add black tone areas in the end but until then - NO BLACK at all. is a little secret most (remember I am using the word MOST no ALL) 
 of the time outlining artwork makes it look cartoonish - or amateurish.  So open yourself up to doodling in color and see what that brings you.

 Oh, and I do use a metallic gold gel pen in this video.  It's a metallic gold gel Extreme pen. 
I'm not sure if they are even made anymore as I've had this one forever!  Gel pens are fun
to add additions to watercolors...especially metallic ones!  Pick up a couple of colors to add
fun little details to your own doodles!  OH and make sure the paper is dry before doodling 
with gel pens as they will not work wet very well.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

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