Friday, November 1, 2013

Lesson 12 - Tips and Tricks

Hello Doodlers!

This has been such a fun class to create!  I love watercolor, and I hope that everyone is
as excited about it as I am.   There are some fun tips and tricks in this video.  I honestly usually only doodle in watercolor inside my sketchbook, but recently I have noticed many artists creating artwork using doodles as an element of their work.  My artwork is naturally pretty realistic in nature, I do however also create a lot of whimsical paintings of fairies and mermaids.  In the past couple of years I've been creating many multimedia works and abstracts.  I believe I keep changing and evolving and learning because I think we all need to have a creative outlet.  I also think it's beneficial to change it up once in a while and try new things as I believe it helps us to grow artistically.  So be bold, do what you love to do - what you are drawn to do.  We are all artists in our own way and we should celebrate that by creating what we love.

I do not have a printable for you this week BUT... because I'm going to miss
creating lessons I might just slip a couple extra printables on the site next week.  
So check back in next week and I will also email you if (when) I do.

Thanks so much for joining me on my little Watercolor Doodle journey.

Take care, and I hope you keep watercoloring & doodling too!

OOPS..... and here is your last lesson - Lesson 12 Tips and Tricks!

Here are links to some of the items used:
Noodlers ink:  This site also has ink samples - if you want
waterproof you need to order one of the Bulletproof inks

Noodlers flex pens:
The pen I demo is called Noodler's Ahab Flex Pen
They come in many colors and can be found here

The other fountain pen I show you is this one:
I have the pink one but there are many colors, it's a Lamy Safari

Waxy watercolor Crayons:

Staedtler Karat Aquarell Premium Watercolor Crayons

These are hard to write over once they have dried because they are wax based.

Kids Gel Watercolor Crayons:
I can't find a good link for these online but they are called
Staedtler Kids Gel Sticks
Honestly these are cool but they don't blend well at all.
These are oil based and tend to dry right after they are laid down.

Watercolor Pencils:
I use all three of these I have put them in order that of most used
These can all be found on Amazon or in most art stores.
1. Albrecht Durer 60 Watercolor Pencil 
2. Derwent Watercolor Pencils
3. Sanford Prismacolor Watercolor Pencil 
(they have changed the name of my Design watercolor pencils to this one)

Daniel Smith Watercolor Sticks:

Also the ink I use to fill my waterbrush is this one

~ Candi
Watercolor Doodles

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lesson #11 - Putting it all together

Hello Doodlers!

Lesson #11 - Putting it all together

I think you are all ready to doodle on your own now.... Here I've just
shown the watercolor demo and given you the image to download if you wish.

Basically this week is all about leaving the black and white doodling (and then
watercoloring on top of that).....Now you will be opening yourself up to doodling
in color - I add black tone areas in the end but until then - NO BLACK at all. is a little secret most (remember I am using the word MOST no ALL) 
 of the time outlining artwork makes it look cartoonish - or amateurish.  So open yourself up to doodling in color and see what that brings you.

 Oh, and I do use a metallic gold gel pen in this video.  It's a metallic gold gel Extreme pen. 
I'm not sure if they are even made anymore as I've had this one forever!  Gel pens are fun
to add additions to watercolors...especially metallic ones!  Pick up a couple of colors to add
fun little details to your own doodles!  OH and make sure the paper is dry before doodling 
with gel pens as they will not work wet very well.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lesson 10 - Butterfly Bliss

Hello Doodlers!
Lesson #10

This week we're creating a butterfly painting but I also wanted to share a couple of things with you.
I am posting this small video of one of my journals while I flip through the pages.  I try to journal a
little bit daily and this is one where I doodled a little everyday.  I hope you will enjoy the flip through.

I also wanted to share a little painting I did that started with just a doodle
in one of my journals.  I am not including a large image on it as I promised the
person who purchased the painting that I would not sell prints or allow usage
of the painting.  But here is a small version for you to see how a doodle
can be made into a painting.

Here is the actual painting Lesson for you:

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Here is a quick little video on what I store my doodling pens in.

WOW one of our wonderful Doodlers found
this bag online & it looks like the travel size bag.  
So if you were interested in getting one ~

More images for you to 
download and watercolor doodle on.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lesson 9 - Greetings

This week is Lesson #9 
I'll be showing how I create a Watercolor Doodle Greeting card.

Here is the image of the card:

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

This week I decided to talk just a little and to add music
to the videos.  I also made the video faster so you could
watch and not get bored.  This first video is how I lay out
the paper and the drawing of the card.

This is a quick inking video.  I inked the image with a regular
sharpie pen this week.

This is the watercolor stage of the greeting card and also
the extra little details added with the white detail pen
and colored sharpies.

The Final Watercolor Doodle Greeting Card

                                       Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Lesson 8 - Painting on the edge!

Lesson #8

Have fun Watercoloring Doodlers.

Here is this weeks image to paint along with me.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Here are your extra images to watercolor this week.

Click Here to View the video on
how to create the white "comma" strokes

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

This image would look wonderful as a greeting card or
even a letter with a decorative edge on the top.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Basic Color Information

Hello Everyone -

Because I always talk about warm and cool colors, I found this little graphic that shows you the basics.

I hope it helps!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lesson 7 - Mini Watercolor Doodles

Week 7 - Mini Watercolor Doodles

This week you will find yourself creating a series of mini doodles.

I've created this template for you to use to create mini watercolor
doodles and to create a fun doodle calendar too!

I hope you find fun uses for your minis 

Create a patchwork doodle paper quilt
Use them on greeting cards
Make a little necklace
Create a mini doodle a day for a month

The choice is yours!  Enjoy!

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Below you will find the watercolor doodle I used as reference for the calendar 
mini watercolor doodle layout that is linked above.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lesson 6 - Quotes & Notes!

Lesson 6
Quotes & Notes

Can you believe that we are halfway to the end of this class?  I have so much
more to share with you!  Plus I am constantly learning about watercolor
even though I have been using this medium for years.

Since I stupidly forgot to take a black and white scan of the image I will be
re-drawing this doodle and posting it here shortly.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

So I'm trying to make up for the mess up in posting later in the day 
(an um, well the next day with that last video) I'm including more
doodles this week for you to print and play with.  Hope this helps you
forgive me....LOL

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lesson 5 - Weekly Planner Doodle

Week 5 -  This is a fun way to see 
how your doodles can be used every day.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

In this video I said I would add the page when it had no
doodle details but the images I took were very blurry so
I unfortunately did not get a good photo of it before
I doodled on the page in pen.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Here are extra images to look at and/or to print out
of some of the pages that could be used as weekly
or daily doodle pages.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Lesson 4 - Framed!


This weeks lesson shows you how to draw a frame, ink the same frame and watercolor it in.

Use it as a frame for leaving a special note,
cut out the middle of it to frame someone special,
frame your favorite quote, or use it in your journal to frame a special page.
You could create a mini frame to put in a smash book or project life page.

Just have fun with it.  

Video one follows along while I draw the frame.

Click HERE for Lesson 4 - Framed Video 4-1

Video two follows along with me while I ink the frame.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

This is actually a different frame
then the one I painted in the video.  It's
very similar but I forgot to take a
photo of the frame I had drawn in
the video before I painted it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Looking at this doodle I would make a few changes.  I would either darken the
blue background or lighten the yellow center.

Click HERE for EXTRA Lesson Fall Leaf

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lesson #3 The Name Game - Watercolor Doodles Class

Well this week's class name has been changed.... it's now called

The Name Game

It's not just for names you can use this lesson for any word you would like
but it's fun especially fun when it's a doodled name of someone you love.

For Lesson 3 Video 1 - Click HERE!

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

I wanted to write a little about what I was thinking when I doodled this image:
First of all I knew I wanted stars around her name but I wanted them to
be moving...because little miss Star is always moving so I put tails behind them
like a comet would have.  To me this meant movement.  When I draw names
or words I first draw the lettering.  Then decide what kind of image I want
to go with the lettering I created.  I chose to have an upper and lower
comet star to balance out the image.  Originally I was going to have just
seven little stars and when I was done drawing there was a white gap between
the t in her name and the comet tail so I added an extra star.  I then outlined
around the elements and decided to go with three lines because I wanted
to have a blue background then pop of color and a cool outline.  I was thinking
about color choice as I drew the image out. 

For Lesson 3 Video 2 - Click HERE!

Green Gold Demo

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Image of Green Gold watercolor (it's magical)
 A close up look at what green gold can do when dropped into
a dark color background.  I get my green gold from Daniel Smith.

Extra images for you to practice watercoloring below....

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.
This is a fun doodle.  I started with a hap-hazard word and just
continued the fun with bold swirls.  I really just created a frame
around a word but it makes a really eye catching little doodle.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.
In this doodle I drew the letters and then outlined them.  I
wanted kind of a fun swirly doodle.  I really how the line
and plane work together here.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.
 I can imagine so many ways to paint this
doodle.  I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lesson 2 - Splish Splash Watercolor Doodles

Class 2 SPLISH SPLASH Watercolor Doodles

This is a fun class, which lets you play with color!

Video Lesson 2 - 1 Splish Splash

Video Lesson 2 - 2 Splish Splash

Playing with crayons and paint... and have some fun!

Click on the image to view larger and to download it. 

Video Lesson 2-3 Splish Splash

Video Lesson 2-4 Splish Splash
Background Finished
(for some reason this video is's very quick little video and shows
you how to make the doodle look extra special with added highlights.)

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click on the image to view larger and to download it.

Click the image below to see it larger and to download it.

Monday, September 23, 2013

More Info About the Class

The class will last approximately 6 weeks.

There will be 12 lessons and I will be posting 2 a week.
One on Tuesday and one on Friday.

There is a Facebook page to interact with people if you would like
This is optional - no need to join if you don't want.

All lessons and images will be given on this blog not on the Facebook page

It's a go at your own pace.

Feel free to ask me questions

Basic supplies are simple:
black permanent pen
watercolor set
watercolor brush or two (I'm using a water brush a lot of the time)
watercolor paper

I will be using other supplies...they are optional and will be listed on the lesson(s) pages

All videos are password protected.  Please don't share your password with's good karma to keep it to yourself.

Thanks for joining - I hope you enjoy the class!

PRINTING on watercolor paper

Hello All,

Just a brief description on how you can print watercolor paper on your desktop printer...

First of all there are so many printers out there that I can't really trouble shoot them all but I do know most printers have a manual feed option.  The manual feed is usually a door on the backside of your printer.  It's specifically made for printing heavier paper and because you are feeding it through the backside there is a straight shot through so it shouldn't get stuck inside your printer.  Many inkjet printers also use waterproof ink, please test if your printer uses waterproof ink before printing out a bunch of images.

So you would basically open the door on the backside of your printer...I would not try to use the regular paper feed as the regular paper feed probably will get stuck inside your printer.  I use 140 lb Fabriano Uno watercolor paper and also Arches 140 lb through my manual feed slot.   I simply use a ruler to measure 8.5 x 11 rectangles on a sheet of paper.  If it's a 22 x 30 sheet you will get 6 sheets of paper.

My printer uses waterproof ink but if your printer isn't waterproof you could do one of two things....

1- You could print out images onto regular paper and then take your watercolor paper to a copy store and have them print with a toner copier (which is waterproof) onto your watercolor paper.  They usually charge you half the price if you bring your own paper.  I just copied a couple of pages for .25 cents because I had my own paper.

2. You could also save the images to a thumb drive and take the drive to the printer with your own watercolor paper.  They will easily be able to print from the thumb drive.  Again, since you are providing your own paper it will not cost that much.

If you would rather not run watercolor paper through your printer and if you do not want to go to a copy store you could always print out onto copy paper.  After printing out the image you could use a pencil and scribble all over opposite side of the printout and then put the copy on top of the watercolor paper (pencil scribble down and image up on top of the watercolor paper) then trace image onto the watercolor paper.  After that you could ink the image yourself.

Printing and/or copying the image(s) will make it much more simple and quick for you however.

I hope this helps.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lesson 1 - Flower Doodles

Welcome Everyone! 

I am so excited for you to start your 
Watercolor Doodle adventure!  If you would 
like to join the Facebook page (it's optional) you can 
join by clicking HERE!  All instructions and class 
information will be here on this 
Wee Cottage Watercolor Doodle Class Blog.
If you have any questions for me please feel
free to email me at

Click the link below to go to lesson 1-1

VIDEO  LINK  Lesson 1-1

Click on the image to view larger and to download the image.

Click on the image to view larger and to download the image.

Click the image to view larger and to download the image.

Click on the image to view larger and to download the image.

Click on the image to view larger & to download the image.

VIDEO LINK Lesson 1 - 3 

Lesson 1 - 3 Flower Doodle Template

Click on the image to view it larger and to download the image.
Finished Flower Doodle - 
Click on image to view larger and to download the image.

An extra Flower Doodle for you to print out and play with.